8–10 Sept 2008
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre
Europe/London timezone



8 Sept 2008, 14:00
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

Presentation materials

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Dr Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
08/09/2008, 14:00
Mr Alexander Tadday (University of Heidelberg)
08/09/2008, 14:15
Vishnu Vikhyat Zutshi (Northern Illinois University)
08/09/2008, 14:30
Prof. Francois Corriveau (IPP / McGill University)
08/09/2008, 14:45
Mikhail Danilov (Inst. for Theoret. & Exptl. Phys. (ITEP))
08/09/2008, 15:00
Mr Mathias Reinecke (DESY)
08/09/2008, 15:15
Mr Jaroslav Zalesak (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
08/09/2008, 15:30
Dr Graham Wilson (KU)
08/09/2008, 15:45
Building timetable...