ATF2 commissioning (monthly) meeting

We would like to discuss the software projects based on EOIs together with the hardware preparations.
    • Commissioning Team
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        Report from each task leaders
        We would like to have presentations of status, plan and schedule for each task by the leaders.
        • a) IP FB( Pulse-Pulse)
          Speaker: Mr Yves Renier (LAL)
        • b) IP Waist&Beta adjustment
          Speaker: Ms BAI Sha (LAL&IHEP)
        • c) Final IP Spot-Size Tuning
          Speaker: Dr Glen White (SLAC)
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        Commissioning strategy and plan
        Organization of sub-teams for hadrware and software commissionings Plan in 2008 and 2009 , where the goals are transfortation of beam to the dump and focussing to 37nm, respectively.
        Speaker: Dr Toshiyuki Okugi (KEK)
    • KEK site meeting (Japanese)
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        Shintake monitor (IP-BSM) progress
        Speakers: Mr Masahiro OROKU (Tokyo Univ.), Mr Takashi Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
        *** Progress of Shintake monitor (ATF2 IP-BSM) work *** Participants: Tauchi, Terunuma, Kuroda, Okugi, Araki, Kamiya, Oroku, Yamanaka Slide by Takashi Yamanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) * Re-installation of Shintake Monitor Vertical Table - measured the floor level around IP - calculated the thickness of shims under the table according to the floor level - installed the vertical table at the IP and then adjust the shims precisely - uncoubled the tie bar for the final doublet magnet installation * Idea of the laser transport line