ATF2 weekly meeting

    • 14:30 16:00
      International phone/webex meeting
      • 14:30
        Installation of S-band BPMs at the final doublet system 20m
        Speakers: Ms Aeyoung Heo (KNU), Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK)
      • 14:50
        Vibration measurement of FD system with water circulation at LAPP 20m
        Speaker: Mr Benoit BOLZON (LAPP)
    • 15:30 16:30
      KEK site meeting (Japanese)
      • 15:30
        Progress of Shintake monitor work 20m
        Speakers: Mr Masahiro OROKU (Tokyo Univ.), Mr Takashi Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
        October 15 16:00 ~ 17:00 Participants : Terunuma, Kuroda, Kubo, Okugi, Kamiya, Oroku, Yamanaka Q: Is is possible to have a laser safety review after the beam operation started ( November 4 ~) ? (Yamanaka) A: Yes. Even if the beam operation started, we will access the beam line for hardware work. And also we will not inject the beam during the daytime in the first week of the beam operation. (Terunuma) Q: Is it possible to open the vacuum chamber of Shintake monitor after the beam operation started? We need to open it and align the laser target at the IP. (Yamanaka) A: Yes. The extraction line doesn't need high vacuum, so it won't take so long time for vacuuming. (Terunuma) Other issues: * It is not good to pass the laser transport line under the ceiling from the standpoint of workability.