Reference Materials for FLASH presentation to the ILC Accelerator Advisory Board, April 2009

John Carwardine, Nick Walker


This presentation will describe the TTF/FLASH Full Beam Loading Studies Program at DESY, otherwise known as The 9mA Studies Program, which has the primary goal of demonstrating reliable operation of a superconducting linac with beam conditions close to those of the ILC and at accelerating gradients approaching quench limits. Additional goals include demonstration of ILC energy stability and of assessing requirements for RF power overhead. We will also discuss the 9mA program in the context of the goals of the Cryomodule String Test described in Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 4.2 in the GDE R&D Plan v3.


Primary references

1.    FLASH Seminar presentation on the 9mA program from Dec 9th, 2008 (link)

N. Walker, J. Carwardine (Dec 2008)


This talk gives a fairly complete summary of TTF/FLASH 9mA studies program. It describes the scope and rationale for the program, the international collaboration, main accomplishments studies results up to December 2008, and future planning.

2.    FLASH cavities & cryomodules presentation from the 9mA workshop (link)

D. Kostin (Jan 2009)


This talk from the 9mA mini workshop describes measured performance of the six cryomodules and 48 cavities presently installed in the FLASH linac. Also described is Module-8 cryomodule that will be installed in the FLASH linac during a major upgrade scheduled to start in September 2009.

3.    FLASH HLRF presentation from the 9mA mini workshop (link)

S. Choroba (Jan 2009)


Gives a brief description of the high level RF distribution system at FLASH and some associated RF power and limits.

4.    Studies Report from the January 2009 machine studies at FLASH (link)

J. Carwardine, N. Walker (Jan 2009)


Machine studies for May and September 2008 were summarized in the FLASH seminar presentation (Reference 1). This report covers the subsequent January 2009 studies


Additional background material on the TTF/FLASH 9mA Program

5.    Slides from the TTF/FLASH 9mA mini workshop held on January 2009 (link)

This was a planning workshop in anticipation of a 1-2 week dedicated studies period in September of this year. The agenda includes status reports on many of the FLASH technical systems related to the 9mA studies program.

6.    TTF/FLASH Full Beam Loading website (link)

7.    TTF/FLASH 9mA meetings page on Indico (link)


Additional background material on the TTF/FLASH facility

8.    FLASH Facility home page (link)

9.    List of FLASH Seminars (link)

10.  PAC 2005 Paper: ÒRF Control System for the DEY VUV-FEL LinacÓ (link)

V. Ayvazyan et al


Additional background material compiled for the RDR R&D Board S2 Task Force (ÒString test definitionÓ)

11.  Which tests can be done at TTF (link)

M. Ross note written for S2 Task Force (Oct06)

12.  S2 Input from TTF/FLASH and XFEL (link)

H. Weise presentation to S2 Task Force (Sept 06)

13.  Recent Talks on TTF/FLASH (VUV-FEL) (link)

Materials compiled by H.Weise for S2 Task Force (Aug 06)