SLAC Beam Dynamics Weekly Meeting: Linac BD Issues and WPs

Fuji Conference Room, Bldg.214 (SLAC)

Fuji Conference Room, Bldg.214


Chris Adolphsen presented his picture of the main linac beam dynamics issues for the EDR.  A few notes on his presentation:
  • Main Linac cavity BPMs will not be superconducting, but they will be cold and must be cleanable in order to share a vacuum system with the SC cavities.  The BPMs are specified to have the capacity to measure the positions of individual bunches within the train.
  • In the current design, the cavity irises (70 mm diameter) represent the minimum aperture.
Chris would like people ready to talk about the current "state of play" of his 4 major topics (Quad Package Design, Static Tuning, Installation/Operation, WF/Cavity Topics) at the main linac kick-off meeting which takes place 26-28 September at Fermilab (the presenters can make their presentations via webex rather than in person).  In principle, the people who make those presentations would then go on to do the main work on those 4 topics.

Action items from this meeting:
  • Chris will work up his priorities for the work -- which items are most important, and in general what his ideal schedule for delivery of deliverables would be
  • Chris and PT will work together to draft work packages based on his presentation and priorities, with PT taking a first cut in the next few days.
  • With WPs in hand, we can start to think about which people from SLAC ILC AP will work on which packages (NOTE:  this does not make the assumption that SLAC ILC AP people will work on all of the resulting WPs).
Next meeting:

There will be no meeting next week.  The following week (4 September), Andrei Seryi will make a similar presentation on BDS needs in the BD area for the EDR.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.